Thursday, January 31, 2013

Assignment 1

My name is Sunghwan Ji and this is my wine blog. I am 24 years old and I enjoy drinking alcohol. The Geography of Wine class gave me an opportunity to get into wine.  I want to start off with my experience in wine or the lack thereof. My experience in wine is very limited. I tried only one red wine and couple of white wine. On the other hand I tried a lot more champagne. Like many people I enjoy foods and drinks that tastes sweet and tangy. I don't enjoy consuming anything that doesn't really taste good. So this class is going to be where I start drinking and learning a lot more about wine.

The first experience with red wine sucked. It just didn't tasted bitter and sour. I don't remember what type of red wine it was, because I didn't buy it. I drank it with my parents and it was a bad experience. I think part of the reason why I thought it didn't taste good was because I was young when I drank it and didn't really drink alcohol. I always wanted to try different red wine  but I never did any research on it to buy one. But the white wine i tried were much better. I bought her a bottle of white wine to drink with my family. I didn't really know what it was but it was pretty cheap. The white wine tasted much better for me at that time. I thought it taste like juice and was really sweet. I enjoyed the white wine way more then the red wine. I tried other white wine from different places and like the taste of it. I also drank champagne for new years a couple of times. Like white wine it tasted good. I thought the only difference was the co2. I tasted like a mixture of juice and soda. My experience with champagne and white wine were very nice and would drink it anytime.

When it comes to food I am a very picky. If it doesn't taste good I don't eat it. For example I still don't eat a lot of veggies. I hated it when I was little and I still hate now. It takes a long time for me to change my tastes.
When I first drank beer I didn't like the taste, but now I love drinking beer.  I think if I learn and drink more wine then like beer I can learn to enjoy wine. This is my limited experience with wine. With this blog I want to try a lot more wine and learn a lot more about wine. And by the end of this semester my limited experience with wine will change with a vast about of experience. I think this is going to the start of something good.